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Friday Fests: SXSW

Writer: BeckiBecki

Alright, I'll admit that I have heard about SXSW, knew it was a big deal, but didn't actually know what it was. Turns out is a 9 day event packed with conferences and festivals pertaining to music, film, and interactive technologies. It allows people from all over the world and of all different backgrounds and skill levels to mingle and make connections with those in the industry. And with big names like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Apple, Netflix, and Indeed in attendance the appeal to show up and explore with them is enticing.

This year, the event was supposed to take place from March 13th-22nd in Austin TX, however the event was cancelled due to the fears over the Coronavirus. While unfortunate, big companies were already pulling out over concerns anyway, and its better for the community to be safe. It is the first time in the 34 years the event has been run that it has been cancelled. If the event was happening, the film portion and comedy would be going on from the 13th-21st, the conferences from the 13th-22nd, the music events happen during the 16th-22nd. That music festival is incredible, with 2000 official performers from all different genres, everything from new and upcoming talent and legendary artists, playing all over the city of Austin. It is the largest music festival if its kind in the worlds and it sounds wild. The film festival and comedy events follow in the same vein, mixing new raw talent and innovation with those of experienced creators.

Then of course there are the conferences, with speakers from all types of companies on topics such as "Cannabusiness," "Climate and Social Action," "Experimental Storytelling," "Professional Development," and "Creating and Monetizing Music" which are just a taste of the 22 different panels that were set to be held in the 2020 event. Does this sound spectacular and you would have liked to join in on the festivities? Tickets aren't cheap, but remember that the even lasts 10 days and the amount of cool, informative content that you'd be taking in and the industry giants you'd get to interact with is invaluable. If you wanted to have access to all conference and festivals, the badge would cost you $1600, just the music, film, or interactive badges go for $1270 each and the comedy event is included with all badge levels. Would you like to participate but aren't willing to shell out your rent money to do so? The Unofficial guide to SX has you covered on all of the unoffical events that you can RSVP to without needing a badge and how to go about that. Do be prepared, you have to RSVP to these events and you should be prepared to wait in long lines.




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