While exploring in Reykjavik, we found a street food restaurant simply called LAMB. You'll never guess what most of their menu consists of...that's right, ground beef. Just kidding, it's lamb. Inside this large concrete building, with just a minimalist stamp of their square logo and some cool designs, is a dark, modern, industrial restaurant whose food really shines, adding pops of vibrant colors to the room. The large windows drink in the sun and create a warmth among the metal and exposed piping, and the plants (fake or otherwise) and moss wall add life to the surroundings. Then there are the employees.
The time we went was pretty busy and only one young lady was behind the counter, I think she may have been a little stressed, but she barely showed it and was pleasant while we ordered. She even took the time to grab me a sticker of their logo while grabbing our drinks. When her co-worker showed up though, like magic really I'm not sure where she came from, it was just in time to start all of our food plus take the two or so more guests that had walked in behind us. I think she was relieved to have the help. While we were gabbing away at the table, I noticed that they were crafting everything from scratch, a little of this from one bowl, a little of that from another, carving the lamb off of the spit, and popping things into the oven.
The menu had fun names like "Black Sheep," "Lamb in the Paddock," "Leadersheep" and "Haystack." I believe Christine and Blair each got the "Little Lamb" (which was not so little) and split an order of potato balls which were super crispy and came with two sauces, both of which were tasty and packed with flavor. Blair said she could have drank that red sauce, it was so good. I think Lara got the "Leadersheep" and I got the "Svadi Special" with falafel instead of lamb and boy howdy that thing was good. It was filled with a few ingredients that I don't know what they are, if I'm being honest, but it all combined into a medley of deliciousness. For those who know more than I do, it had zaatar and zough sauce and topped with dukkah. It also had hummus, cheese, beetroot salad, caramelized onions and was topped with pomegranate which gave it this nice sweetness and a pop of different texture!
As we were leaving, we brought our dishes up, because honestly during the whole trip had no idea when we were and weren't supposed to do this, and the lady was so surprised and her face lit up. I think she probably thought it was amusing as well as being thankful for the help? I don't know but she became really animated and told us for that we could have as many more stickers as we wanted and just handed us three immediately. It was so cute and just a fun little interaction.
Definitely give this place a go if you're near the Northern Lights Exhibit or the Viking Museum!
Find them at:
Grandagardur 7, 101 Reykjavik
open everyday 11-22
+354 557 9777