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My Favorite Ecuador Souvenirs

Writer: BeckiBecki

Back in December 2021- January 2022 I was adventuring around Ecuador for a whole month. Within these 30+ days I acquired so many things, even though I tried my best not to get too many things since I had very little suitcase space, but that didn't quite happen. So out of all the things I bought, what did I think were the best and what went over best with recipients?

  1. Chocolates

I bought a BUNCH of chocolates from Pacari because they are overwhelmingly considered the best chocolate company in Ecuador and have even won a slew of awards. Not only that but they offer a wide variety of flavors like juniper, jasmine, guayusa, fig, lemongrass, passion fruit, golden berry, rose, cherry, sea salt, orange, and many others. Also be careful which one you end up loving, as some (like the juniper one I bought for a good friend) are not available outside of Ecuador. She was devastated, as that was the best chocolate she has ever had- a direct quote! Her and her hubs scoured the internet to try and find a way to get more of that specific bar to her, but no luck.

2. Regional Candies

In Banos, there were taffy pullers outside many a store front, and I wound up at Los Dulces de la Abuela to purchase some. The man was making Guanabana (sour sop) taffy that morning so I bought a bad of those. Holy moley was it good. I ended up going back to give them some more business because I wanted to buy an array of flavors for not just myself, but to bring back to friends and family. They were a big, BIG hit with everyone. I picked up more sour sop, blackberry, passion fruit, watermelon, and mango. Each one was so packed with flavor and it was difficult for anyone to pick a favorite. My only regret was that I didn't fill an entire suitcase with these things!

3.Wool Clothing

Up in Otavalo I snagged a wonderful, warm, thick, hat and a sweater made of llama wool. I also ended up buying a nice poncho in Quito which was a little cheaper, but also thinner than the ones in Otavalo. I didn't have room anywhere for a thick poncho so I was happy to find this lighter weight one. These were just for me, mostly because I didn't expect Quito to be so damn cold (and I was also happy to have them in Cotopaxi where it was super chilly) and I was not very prepared for it. What a perfect excuse to buy some great things from these artisans! Plus, NY is super cold in the winter so these items were perfect to remind me of my trip while also being very useful.

4. Artwork Along a street in Quito there were artists selling their work and I purchased two paintings from one of the artists. I love my little piece and the other one went to a friend who loves less obvious souvenirs and she was enamored with it. They're really beautiful.

5.Panama Hat

Panama hats, despite the name, originate in Ecuador and are a big part of the culture here so you can get some beautiful hats from artisans here. While I was in the Galapagos, specifically Santa Cruz, I found a little shop called Green Reef Gallery right on the main road when you get off the ferry. This man is an artist who specializes in painting the animals found around the Galapagos. You can purchase your typical canvas or prints, but also beautiful Panama hats. I purchased one with a stunning painting of a sea turtle on it for my dad and then when I returned to the Island to get back to the airport, I had to buy one for myself. Mine though has a sea lion on it. I received a ton of compliments in Ecuador on both hats and both my dad and I have received many compliments back in the US as well.

Here's a bonus picture of another of my personal favorite souvenirs just because its so gosh darn cute. Look at that face! And it's all llama wool so it's just incredibly fluffy. This little buddy just makes me smile every time I see it on my shelf <3


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