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Thursday Thoughts: Crossing Borders Update

Writer: BeckiBecki

Hello friends!! I thought I should pop in just to let you all know what's going on with the project. I was able to capture some great footage while we were in Iceland, which I am currently putting into a half hour long pilot episode for the Crossing Borders series. I am doing everything on my own at the moment, with help from my dad and input from friends who have all been really good about giving my critiques and as unbiased opinions as possible. My stepmom even made my dad apologize to me later because she thought he was being way too harsh on me. I didn't think so, as I know he wants this to be the best it can be! Plus if I can survive an auditorium of people critiquing me in film school as I stand at a small podium, I think I can handle him!!

Why am I making a pilot when I could be out making the real thing? Well, simply put, I can't do the real thing at them moment. I need funding or the backing of a network or streaming service who is interested in what we're doing. By making a pilot episode, it helps viewers to understand what we're doing, making them more likely to spread the word about it and to contribute to the fund. We want to generate interest and get people excited to watch more! This pilot will be on our Kickstarter as well and can also aid us if any networks or streaming services hear about us, providing an example of what we want to do. I also need to find a cinematographer! Having something substantial to show someone who might be interested in working for me let's them know if they're the right fit for the job, or if they're even interested at all.

So why isn't it done yet, you came back from Iceland like a month ago! Are you slacking? No! Not much anyway. I did take a week away from it once I realized I had to start all over using a different program for editing. That was a difficult decision, but now that I'm back to it, I'm reassured that it was the right call to make. I have been working every day on this, outside of the week I needed to clear my head, even if its just a few hours before or after work and it pretty much consumes all of my thoughts all day long. But. It takes time. I find it difficult to part with certain scenes because I have a connection with them and I think its funny or whatever else, but visually it doesn't add anything and story-wise it isn't needed. So that has been something I'm working through. I did originally get this cut down to an hour and a half, but like I said, I had to start over from scratch!

After I get all of the film edited the way I like it, I then have to go back and work on adjusting video- fixing bad camera shakes, color correcting, and adding transitions. From there I need to work on sound- fixing tracks with too much noise where I can, recording voice-over for parts where my voice just doesn't cut through the wind or the background noise makes the conversation inaudible, finding music, and working on transitions from one piece of music to the next. Then I need to work on the credits and making sure I have everyone accounted for. At different stages along the way, I will have screenings to see what I need to fix before moving on to the next step. Finally, but not important for Kickstarter or Youtube, I need to make a bloopers/extras section for those who ordered DVDs with these extras when I was running the Indiegogo campaign.

From this timeline I have set out, I am hoping to have a completed video by then end of June, but possibly before. I just wanted to thank everyone for their patience and support as I move forward with this project. You guys are amazing and I can't wait to show you what I've been up to and explore the world together!!


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