Just something fun and quick to get some conversations started while I'm far away from home in Iceland! Also I was just curious if I could actually limit myself to 10. Here is my list, in no specific order as their rankings change based on mood, of my top 10 favorite songs of all time and why. What songs will make it to your list? Let us know in the comments below!
-Bars Simzson by Little Simz. I talk all about her here, including a long and impassioned explanation as to why I love this song (**warning: song is explicit**). Basically Simz is a powerhouse and this song is a great overall reflection of what she is capable of lyrically and vocally.
-(It's Only A) Paper Moon by Natalie Cole is a cover of her father, Nat King Cole's, song of the same name. Except, I think Natalie did it better. Her voice is silky smooth wth ridiculous power and the jazzy horns make me feel like I'm listening to it live in a smokey bar drinking an old fashioned, even though it's just me poorly belting out the lyrics in my car. Its also super nostalgic for me because my dad used to listen to this and her other, maybe more well-known hit, L.O.V.E a lot in the car and around the house.
-Riviera Life by Caro Emerald. I am specifically head-over-heels for the acoustic version of this one; evoking a feeling of driving with the windows down, wind in your hair, salty seawater air in your lungs, sun on your face, escape from the dull day-to-day repetition of life. Everything is vibrant and exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere where I could be whisked away, living in a hammock forever with someone strumming this tune lazily. The lead singer's voice is silky and the simplicity of the instruments lets that voice shine. I also get this soft and hazy feeling from this version, which I don't get with the original, though I can't seem to hit the skip button when either one comes on.
-Wakaremichi by Gazette, especially the live version here. Even without knowing the translation, which I do now after loving it for so many years, I could tell the song was strong, beautiful, heartbreaking, and really just bittersweet. But, after hearing this live performance on YouTube (ugh I would give my right arm, and that's my drawin' arm, to hear this live, in person) I could hear those things in Ruki's voice and then when he gets the crowd to sing the chorus, I broke out in goosebumps. This song is not available on Spotify (get it together guys), so I have to break out my ITunes or YouTube to listen to this, which is a shame.
-Light up My Room by Barenaked Ladies is a folky pop tune that puts me in a good, relaxed mood when I hear it. It just makes me feel happy. Something about the quirky lyrics, the soothing vocals, and the backing instruments come together in perfect harmony and I love it. Its about making the most of living in your means and turning negatives into positives, "there are luxuries we can't afford/ but in our house we never get bored/ we can dance to the radio station/ that plays in our teeth." The track is filled with so many great lines, one of my favorites being "Late at night when the wires in the walls/ sing in tune with the din of the falls/ I'm conducting it all while I sleep/ to light this whole town." Its by far my favorite tune on their album Stunt and I think of all their songs in general. Definitely worth a listen!
-Your Smiling Face by James Taylor. Really anything by James Taylor is a winner for me, especially because it reminds me of listening to music with my dad. He always had music playing, and JT was one of his favorites. I don't know if he still listens to him now, but he for sure used to. I like listening to music before autotune and the over complexity of trying to do something new and evocative. Just showing off the vocals with a sweet little ditty and classic instrumentation.
-Mariella by Kate Nash. I'm not usually a spoken song type gal, but literally that's what this song is. Just a story set to music, spoken more than sung, although Nash does pull in her beautiful vocal range often enough to consider it a song. But just barely in my eyes. But still there's something about it that draws me to it, the cadence and inflection on her words, the pacing, the mix of speak-singing, the weird beginning piece, the chaotic piano at the very end, and the story itself is so well put together and enjoyable. It's pleasant to listen to, easy to digest, and is a refreshing break in my playlist as her style is pretty unusual from most other artists I have. Also, this song is longer at 4 minutes, but the variation in tempo and other musical constructs makes it feel short to me. LIke time flies when I'm listening to it.
-Stop Wondering by April Smith and the Great Picture Show. I am a sucker for a song that sounds absolutely sweet and beautiful at surface level, but when you take a minute to pay attention to the lyrics, its got a twist to it. Think Lily Allen or Alice Francis' Kiss my A**. This is a funny little song about someone who thinks April Smith just can't get enough of them. Turns out she'd not even thinking about you sir/ma'am! It showcases her gorgeous voice and her playful writing all set to a fun carousel-esque soundtrack.
-Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Marinez. I actually passed this up a bunch of times in favor of songs like Soap and Carousel all off of her album Cry Baby. I just didn't have an interest in the first few lines and skipped it. One day I was just driving and letting my music play and I finally decided I would give it a listen. Passively giving it an ear while focusing on the road, I perked up at the lyric "Do you swear you'll stay forever/ even if her face don't stay together" and thought it was the funniest thing. I was just like, "oooh burn" she's really hitting hard on these plastic surgery lovers. So I played it again, and it hit a little differently. So I played it again and the line "Its such a waste/ when little girls grow into their mother's face/ but little girls are learning how to cut and paste/ and pucker up their lips until they suffocate/ ha haaa" that I paused, my nose did the tingly thing when you're about to cry and my eyes brimmed with tears. It really stuck a knife in me. So I had to listen again. Yes, its a piece about plastic surgery, but its not funny at all, it's a thought provoking track about the dangers of this trend, the overarching reach of the media and their body standards on not just grown adults but the children that want to emulate them.
-Human of the Year by Regina Spektor is a haunting track with the solemn or melancholy piano fluttering in the background in some points and weighing heavy on your shoulders in others while her whisper-like vocals entice your ears to listen closer. Then the chorus kicks in and she belts out strong notes, showing her vocal range, and adding an exited energy to the otherwise bleak-sounding arrangement. Its just a beautiful piece of work. I still get chills every time the song starts out.
Close calls were Knock 'Em Out by Lily Allen with its bubbly, jaunty tones and funny and relateable lyrics- ever gotten hit on at a bar and been so uninterested that you needed to think of an excuse, any excuse to get them to go away? This ones for you then. And also How Far I'll Go by Auli'i Cravalho, yes the main song from Moana has captured my restlessness, love of adventure, and strange calling that I can't seem to pull away from but also don't know where its coming from (unlike Moana who knows its from the ocean). The line "If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go" hit me hard when I first listened to it and it builds up in all the right places. But its so new, that I don't know if its a permanent top 10 or a temporary one.
Something I also find interesting is that my favorite band, Gorillaz, doesn't have a spot on here, not even a runner up. I think its because they have so many good tracks, but not one of them sits with me for a long period of time. I have my moods where I'll want to listen to punk Gorillaz or dirty, grungy Gorillaz, or hip-hop Gorillaz, or poppy Gorillaz, or whatever it is you want to call their latest album/sound The Now Now. When I'm in those moods I can listen to a couple of tracks over and over again and be completely content, but when the mood is done I move on. They do produce so many songs that I like though and are one of the best bands I've seen live. Just an interesting discovery of mine I thought worth blabbing about.
It was easier than I thought to think of 10 songs that should be on here, the problem was really only picking 10 songs!